KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cute Turkey Pop Treats !

Turkey Pop Treats.....
I have not made these yet...thought they were the cutest things.
They look easy to make.

Karens Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

This pumpkin seed recipe is yummy ! You might as well toast them and eat them since you are carving out a pumpkin or two !! Apparently they have a lot of calories attached to these little seeds.......but who cares ?? LOL
You need:
Pumpkin seeds, Cooking spray, olive oil or butter
Your Fav spices or , salt, garlic powder, onion powder, seasoned salt
Rinse off all your pumpkin seeds. Use your hands to remove all the pulp. Drain pumpkin seeds and make sure they are all cleaned off. Spread them out on a paper towel or on a cookie sheet to dry overnight.
Preheat oven 250- and place non stick foil on your tray.
( i dont do this--i spray my trays with oil and put the seeds on )
Toss pumpkin seeds in olive oil or butter or spray. Sprinkle them with your spices and spread them on the tray.
Bake 1 hour, tossing every 15 or 20min. until golden brown.
Cool them before eating them. Store in container at room temp.
Can do this up to 3 months...or in fridge up to 1 year . ( this is funny...mine last a few weeks or so !!!heheh )
If you like your toasted seeds extra salty, soak overnight in a solution of 1/4 cup salt to 2 cups of water. Dry an additional day, then proceed as above.
Enjoy !!

Monday, October 24, 2011

K and K Transportation !!!

K and K Transportation !!

Kijin is checking out this new way of transportation that Nana and Grandad have at their place ! He loved it ! But would NOT keep his feet up ! He wanted to go go go on his own !!

Kyler was riding his new "Ripstick" skateboard. The men were trying it out as well and not too successful ! LOL ! It's harder than it looks right guys???

My parents live on a small cresent and have been for many many years. The cresent was a great place to play and ride our bikes when we were small. Now its time for the grandkids to do the same whenever we all come over. Its even better in the winter when the snow piles up in the middle and we make forts !!!!!

Thanksgiving Parade !!!

The Kitchener Waterloo Oktoberfest Parade was a great success holiday Monday morning ! Uncle Kolin, Auntie Jenn and Sydney saved a spot for us by the road for a perfect viewing of the parade ! Thanks guys ! The weather was great ! Best day for it ! Missing from my photos are ,Uncle Kolin, Nana, Auntie Jenn, and me who is taking the pictures !!

People come from all over wearing their Oktoberfest hats and costumes to see this parade. It was full of people !

We saw floats, bands, horses, and much much more ! Including my old army group who came to march in the parade, as well as showing off a ML truck and an army tank! Looking good guys !!!

We highly recommend those of you who have never "Oktoberfested" or have not been to one of their parades to do so at least once !!! OI OI OI !!!! The fantastic market and the great shopping at the market and downtown St.Jacobs is worth the drive !!!!!

Hope to see u in Kitchener Waterloo some time !!!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kyler's 10th Birthday October 8th, 2011

Hi all ! It's been awhile, but I have had computer issues and we have been busy !

What a beautiful Thanksgiving we had ! We celebrated Kyler's 10th Birthday on October 8th at East Side Marios ! Yummy ! Kijin tried out his first ice cream cone !

Kyler had a great day with family and scored some nice and cool gifts too ! The coolest gift was his "Ripstick" skateboard !!!

We then headed to Kitchener Waterloo to see the Marshall family for Thanksgiving Dinner and to check out their parade ! The weather was soooooo great, shorts, no jackets and as far as I can remember, the warmest day for a parade !!!

A great weekend !!!!

We hope everyone had a great and wonderful Thanksgiving !

K.E.K.K. Wiersmas

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wiersma Pumpkin Carve Out, Bubble City, Walk on the Beach

It was a busy and fun weekend for us last week.

Kyler's PeeWee Hockey season has started. He is on the Black team this year, hopefully playing forward. Most boys in this league are soooo tall on skates! Yikes-Kyler is in the middle somewhere ! After a hockey practice, it was off to Kitchener to attend Aunt Jenn's Surprise 40th birthday party ! We got her !!! Happy early birthday Aunt Jenn !

Sunday morning was Kyler's first hockey game of the season. Which the team won 4-3. Kyler got his first penalty too ! Oh oh ! It has started ! Then it was off to Wasaga Beach for an early Wiersma Thanksgiving dinner.

The kids and dads helped carve out the small pumpkins grandma bought. They had fun and did a really good job !Then later a hungry and curious squirrel helped himself to Kyler's pumpkin and ate 1/2 of it !

The kids also had fun with the bubbles and made a huge "Bubble City" all over the lawn !

After a great dinner, it was off for a walk on the beach. A bit chilly and windy, but it was nice to get out. Kijin had no problems getting use to the huge backpack we put on Ed to haul him around! He loved it !

Nice to see all of you- Happy early Thanksgiving---thanks for Kyler's birthday presents ! Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend !

Karen, Ed, Kyler, Kijin Wiersma = KEKK