KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kijin turns 2 !

Our little Kijin turned 2 on Monday !  June 18th 2012 !  We had a family BBQ on the weekend and celebrated a " Thomas the Tank Engine" birthday!
Kijin enjoyed all the goodies, cake and the presents!  Thanks for all the gifts and well wishes !
Karen, Ed , Kyler and Kijin

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Where is my snack "Mommy" ? and a Tuesday note....

Kijin is soon to be 2  ! Next week in fact!  Our little man is talking up a storm and doing really well in his daycare! The word of the day is usually "Mine!" He just got his little Daycare Report Card and he is doing great!  He is still the top "Hoarder!" of all the Trains in the classroom when they are brought out at play time!
Kyler has had a busy few weeks at school. He was running in track a few weeks ago, almost finished the race, then his shoes came off ! What to do??  He kept running and he did not come in last ! He was happy about this!  His softball school team placed in 3rd last week. He enjoyed playing softball again because they did well and did not come in last like his last years Pickering team!
He has completed his season of "Fencing". He has yet to decide to go back to it in the fall or try something else? But he did well in it, the sport has its slow and fast moments!
His grade 5 class will be ending soon with a trip to see the Argos play and a full day at Canadas Wonderland. I can't believe he will be going into grade 6 in the fall! Where has the time gone? I remember when he started kindergarden :(  !!!
We are soon ending June with Kijin's 2nd birthday BBQ and a week of camping with the family!!! A busy few weeks ahead of us!

The Kissing Dutchies...Happy Birthday Grandma!

What to get Grandma Wiersma for her birthday???   I found these in a store which needed a little TLC, a touch up here and there and voila!  The Kissing Dutchies turned out great !  (  my own parents have a pair in their garden which look really cute !  ) Grandma loved them and they will soon be added to her garden in Wasaga Beach !  Enjoy them Grandma!

Love and kisses from 4 other Dutchies---KEKK Wiersma!