KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!

Hi all ! Happy Holidays !

We are in our 6th month of waiting ---so we hope to hear soon or definately in the new year !!!

I am in the process of sending out Christmas cards with a family newsletter to give you a few updates on our adoption and family highlights !

Thank you for your thoughts, patience and prayers as we wait to hear from our adoption agency !

Many Blessings to you and your families !

K.E.K Wiersma

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4 weeks and counting.....

Its been 4 weeks and a bit more since we sent our "Dossier" to South Korea. All we can do is wait, wait , wait.
I get updated emails from our Adoption Agentcy-Children's Bridge in Ottawa on whats new, who has received a "referral" , and who is on their way to pick up their new baby boy or girl from many different parts of the world.
The last email provided us "Awaiting families" a list of stuff to do to keep us busy while we wait to hear from South Korea. Here are some .....
1. Read resourceful books on adoption, read the "Huge" big binder they sent us last summer
2. Finish house renovations and unfinished projects ( we have a few of these ! )
3. And just wait........

So thats what we are doing :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 2010

Hi there.

Bare with me as I am learning how to do this. I'm trying to set it up for when we continue our adoption journey, I can post pictures and updates for our family and friends.
I can provide a brief background before I begin.
For those who know us, know we have an 8 year old son, Kyler.
We got pregnant in 2001 with Kyler, pretty easily, but I had a difficult pregnantcy- ending up in an emergency C Section. Kyler was a healthy baby, and we were blessed to have him.
After a few years of trying to find a 9-5 job, and finally got one, we decided then to have another baby. Nothing was happening and even medically I was just never happened for us. Kyler wanted to be a big brother and how it was unfair that his dad and mom both had sisters and brothers and he did not.
So.....we decided to adopt in around 2008. WE had put our names on a few adoption agent lists and attended an adoption information session in the fall of 2009. After that we decided to go through Children's Bridge Ottawa International Adoption South Korea.
Since fall of 2009, we have been reading and gathering our adoption paperwork to begin this process, trying to complete a "Dossier" .
Since December 2009, we had most of our Dossier completed, however, we found out that there is a strict weight requirement to adopt from South Korea. Ed had be under 30BMI ! He was not yet there ! So.....he went on a diet, and we then again had to redo some of our paperwork, for they expire every 6 months. While Ed was dieting , we got our paperwork together and got it finished.
Ed passed the weight goal, lost 47 pounds and off went our Dossier on July 9th to South Korea !
What is next?

Now we wait for about 3-6 months for the Korean Welfare Society agents in South Korea to go through our Dossier, translate it and begin a search for a boy or girl for our family.
We are officially a " Family In Waiting " family !!!!!

Thank you friends and family for supporting us this far-- there is much more to this journey yet !

Karen , Ed, Kyler Wiersma ( K.E.K Wiersma)