KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Official

It's Official ! On February 15, 2012 us KEKK Wiersma's attended family court in Oshawa to have Kijin's Adoption Order completed and signed! He is now a "Wiersma!"
The judge opened his speech with telling us how proud he was of parents and families who adopt. He told Kyler he had brother responsibilities and told Kyler to look after Kijin for the rest of his life. He signed the Adoption Order document with a special pen and wanted to take a photo for the court. WE also took photos and thanked them. The judge gave us a "Loonie" coin, and Kyler got a car toy and Kijin got a stuffed bear.
What a great way to start off a "Family Long Weekend"! We are blessed to have the Adoption completed and we thank our friends and family who have supported us throughout this wonderful process!
Thank you!

Karen, Ed , Kyler, Kijin Wiersma

Kylers Grade 5 Speech

Our Kyler had to do a speech this year in grade 5. He decided to do one on Kijin. So he worked on his speech ( with help from us ) and called it"My Little Brother". He had to say it up in front of his class a few weeks ago and made top 4 in his class! He was excited but nervous! The following week he had to say it in front of a panel of teachers in the principals office! OH OH ! He went first and did a great job ! So him and another classmate were picked to say it in front of many other schools in our Region in Mississauga on March 1st 2012! He will have to memorize it and battle his nerves to speak it on stage in front of many people ! Wish him luck and keep him in your thoughts that day! We are sooo proud of him!!!

Haircut for Kijin

Well it was that time again that Kijin needed a haircut! OH OH! Exactly!

I took him to a kiddy haircut place and sat him down in the "train" seat! As soon as the lady started her shaver, he screamed and cried and did not want that cape on! So she quickly did a fast cut and did a great job considering! No more afro! LOL !!!! What a grown up little boy all of a sudden!!!! He is now 20months old ! :)

Korean New Year Party January 2012

On January 21, 2012 , we headed out to the Korean New Year party in Mississauga! Kijin's "Hanbok" still fit him ! So we dressed him up and enjoyed the show they put on for us. There was dancing, a drum show and a fashion show. All the children there even got 5.00$ each from the Korean elders! There was a wonderful Korean lunch put on for everyone as well!

새해 복 많이 받으세요 (seh heh bok mahn ee bahd euh sae yo)

Happy New Year in Korean !

Snow Fun

When we do have snow, we are out in it! Kijin loves to be pulled around in his sled and going down the hill! We only made one snowman this year!

Kijin also gets to get outside every day when he is at daycare. They too get the kids out in the snow and pull them around in their sleds!

Belated Christmas Photo

As promised , here is a Christmas photo ! It was an "Elmo" Christmas for Kijin and a Lego Christmas for Kyler. They both got full stockings from "Santa" and spoiled from both sets of grandparents of course :)