KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Seoul-Day 5 Getting to know baby Kijin

Hi all ! Day 5 , Friday March 25th, 2011 started off as a beautiful day ! A bit chilly but getting much warmer. I saw snow come down late in the night. A beautiful sight , when its coming down above the mountains!!! Today was the day we will be getting Kijin forever. So nervous and very excited !!!!!!

We headed out for a coffee at the Starbucks. Its just around the corner and they are everywhere ! Same decor inside and a relaxed setting as in Canada. We also bought mugs here for the 4 of us. It wasn't long until we had to head up the the hospital, 7th floor for our 10:00am appointment.

Right at the top on the 7th floor we ran into Kijin and his foster mom on their way to get a physical from the doctor :) Our social worker met with us there too and told us they will be right back, and to please wait in their office.
Not much longer, they met us in the office. We had to do some paperwork first, meet the Director of SWS, and then they presented us with beautiful keepsake gifts for Kijin which was the Korean Flag, and a keepsake box. I was then given Kijin to hold while they went over his schedule and gave us the items his foster family provided for him and the things we sent to him from Canada. They gave us his bottles, formula , diapers, soothie and food snacks to last us until we had to leave Canada. This was wonderful !!!!!!!
Then it was time for us to go. We parted at the elevator. We thanked them all profusely , shaking hands and hugging them as well. Ed was holding Kijin, for I had the 3 bags full of his belongings and food. Into the elevator we went, waving good bye for the last time ! Off we went to our SWS Guest house room which was about 4 doors down.
Here , we started to play with Kijin, showing him his new surroundings and took many pictures !!! It did not take too long for Kijin to realize that we were not familiar to him and he started to get upset. So we feed him, he fell asleep, napped a bit then woke up to my face and did not what he saw ! Some tears and sad faces, it took him awhile but then he got use to us and started to play with the toys we brought and got happier as the day went on. We took him for a brisk walk around the block, got some air and headed back to our room for dinner. HE is a good eater, loves to snack on cookies and fruits. The hard part was for us to keep him up until 10:oopm !!!! For his last feeding then bed !! Both Ed and I were tired, but we were able to hang on until 9:00pm ! Gave him his bottle and then he was happy and wanted to play !!!! LOL !!!
We turned off the lights, put him in the playpen, and then he just could not get comfy to fall asleep. I picked him up, rocked him to sleep and presto !!!! He was asleep !!! 10:00pm right to about 6:30am !!!!! Now we will begin day 2 of being with Kijin. We will see what the day will bring...............!!!!!
Karen and Ed and Kijin signing out from Seoul


  1. Congrats on an amazing day!! I was thinking about you guys a lot today! So glad to hear everything went well!

  2. So fabulous! I just love the photos. You both look so happy!!
