KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

UGH ! The pain about those teeth!!

Hey all ! It's been awhile but we have been busy ! :) We have 3 teeth "issues" going on in the K.E.K.K Wiersma family at the moment !

The first............

Kijin is teething ! Those brand new teeth are coming in fast ! He is drooling and not too happy about it ! He has about 8 now....more are coming in !

The second..........

Kyler, on the other hand is losing his baby teeth ! 3 teeth in about 3 weeks !! The tooth fairy has been here a lot lately ! LOL ! He has his dentist appointment next month. They will be happy that his baby teeth are finally coming out. :)

The third and last....

Ed is having an old tooth cavity issue ! Can you say....root canal?? Yep !

So while my family is having a "teeth" week ! Just remember all to take good care of those teeth ! LOL ! Brush, floss and take care of them ! And don't forget to visit your dentist !!!!!!!

LOL !!!

Have a great Mothers Day Weekend !!!

K.E.K.K Wiersma's !!!!

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