KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Karens Yummy Koffee Krisp Dream Dessert !

Karens Yummy Koffee Krisp Dream Dessert !
( i had to add the K's of course ! )

This dessert is often a hit at BBQ's or for a ladies night out !
My Sisinlaw gave it to me, so I am passing it on as per request !

**** Make the night before ********

500 ml Real Whipping Cream- ( the kind u whip up yourself from milk carton )
4 tbls Chocolate Syrup
3/4 Cup Icing Sugar
4 tsp Instant Coffee in 1 tbls . of hot water
2 Coffee Crisp Bars ( or more--up to you )
1 box of Graham Wafers

Whip cream and icing sugar together until thick
Add chocolate syrup and coffee
Whip again
Place 1 layer of wafers in a 9by9 pan , than 1 layer of cream mixture
Repeat another time ( sometimes i add a coffee crisp bar here too )
Repeat 2 more times ending with cream.
Crush and sprinkle coffee crisp bars on top.
Refridgerate over night.

Enjoy !! Its great served with coffee of course !


1 comment:

  1. That was beyond delicious, and I definitely plan to make it again very soon. Like you said, I could probably eat a whole pan myself! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
