KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

KEKK Summer Update

Hey all !

August is already here ! WOW ! The summer is going fast !
What have the K.E.K.K's Wiersmas up too??

For the past few weeks, we have been just back to school shopping, hanging out at home, enjoying walks and backyard play. When its too hot outside and Kijin is napping, Kyler and I are playing board games or just having quiet time :)

On the long weekend, I took the boys for a drive up to Sutton where we use to have a cottage years ago on Lake Simcoe. I showed them the old cottage-which grandma Gilchrist sold in 1997. Lots of changes in the area, and to the old cottage, but brings back some good childhood memories :) We had a quick lunch by the park then headed back home. On the way back , we found a Go-Kart track for Kyler to take in a few laps ! He now can drive a Kart by himself !

Kijin was teething the rest of the weekend :( --fevers and very cranky !! So Kyler and dad went to Wasaga to have a quick visit with Grandma and Grandpa Wiersma. While mom and Kijin hung out and waited out the fevers :(

Kyler's softball team is not doing so well, so the playoffs should be over very soon!

Kyler is starting Forrestbrook Camp Church this week- ( where he can unload his bordom complaints ! )

Uncle Rob-Orion -Percy come back to Canada this Wednesday from Germany. They will be staying in Wasaga for the rest of the summer. Kyler will head up there next week for a visit and get to know his cousins again !

Kijin still sees a doc once every so often to catch up on his needles and to get blood work done to make sure he is clear of anything he may have gotten in Korean or from his birth mother. HE is a happy little boy, who really enjoys going outside and his stroller walks. HE is starting to say a few words which we think are, " Bird" "Cat" "Elmo" and of course momma-dada--Yler--for ( Kyler ) ! We had our 3rd interview with our social worker and only 1 more to go before his adoption is final. Once it is all final, we can apply for his Canadianship !

Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone ! It's going fast !

KEKK Wiersma

1 comment:

  1. The summer sure is going by fast! It sounds like you've had a lot of fun stuff going on.
