KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz !

Hi all !

Here are a few hot of the press photos of Kijin !

Yesterday he slept sooooo much ! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ! He had a 4 hour afternoon nap, then went to bed again at 7:00pm- and up at 6:00am !!!!!!

Sometimes he falls asleep on the floor in our family room, in the middle of playing. He really loves this small quilt one of my great aunts made for me years ago. Sometimes he puts his head down , smells it and lays down on it. I think this is the same colour and texture of blanket he must of had in his foster home and or the baby carrier / Mei Tai? carrier that he was carried around in? by his foster mother.

Today I took him to my work office. First day out in the car ourselves ! He loves the car seat, looks around him constantly then falls asleep ! The office loved him of course, just observed the many people coming to check him out. A few smiles for the clerks then off we went !

He napped about 1.5 hours, for I had to get him up for his Doctors apt. He did not like that !

The Appointment went well. It was just a meet and greet the Doctor and to weigh and measure him as well. Then off we went to pick up Kyler from school. Another show of people checking him out, since Kyler has told them sooooo much about his new baby brother !

WHEW ! He also met his Grandma and Grandpa Wiersma today ! What a busy day !!!

He is doing really well. It will be a week tomorrow since we have had him forever. HE has been through a lot this week ! WE are adjusting as well....Ed is back to work, Kyler in school, and I am home with Kijin trying to do what I can around his schedule at the moment :) I get a 9 month paternity leave off- I am due back to work just before Christmas time. I will enjoy every minute of it being with Kijin :)

Our first family road trip will be on Saturday. We are off to Kitchener to celebrate my grandmothers 90th birthday !!

Goodnight all !



  1. Karen, he is adorable! So neat to see him with his grandparents who are obviously in love with him. Kyler looks so happy too. Enjoy every moment of you leave! I have 5 months left and I wish time would slow down'

  2. Great photos!! I cannot believe that Kijin will just fall asleep on the floor! That is totally crazy. You have been busy, but I'm sure everyone wants to meet the little guy they have been waiting so long to meet and have heard so much about.
