KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Doctor Vist--First needle in Canada--so it begins

Hi all !!! Kijin had another doctor appointment today. We had to see a Pediatrician who specializes in international diseases in children. He has worked in the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital Unit for awhile and now has his own practice in Ajax. My personal doctor recommended Kijin to get checked just in case to make sure that the shots he already got in South Korea were updated and accepted in Canada. So today, we saw the Pediatrician who was very happy to see Kijin in good health. He was also thankful that I had brought all Kijin's health paperwork and that he was up to date in his shots up to this point ! Now it begins to get all his mandatory shots in Canada before he goes to a day care or school. Kijin was also weighed, measured and checked over. All is well :) He did get a needle today- brave little guy just sat there and did not peep at all ! Made me feel much better ! However- hopefully he does not react to any of them and we will have to keep a good eye on him after each needle. We will return to the Pediatrician's office some time in July and think about what he recommended. HE advises to get Kijin's blood work checked to make sure the shots he got in South Korea are working and to make sure nothing is found inside his little body to cause a concern. So all in all it went well ! Whew ! But in a week or so , we will go back to my doctor for another needle ! UGH !! I sooooo remember doing this with Kyler. He hated it ! Screamed in the car all the way home from Scarborough to Oshawa ! He did react to one of the first needles , then he was fine after that. :)

The Pediatrician does not see many adoptive children who come from South Korea and who are cared for in a Foster Home. He usually sees children who come from orphanages with much more minor health issues. So thank goodness for doctors like him who are able to do this and specialize in this field !!! Kijin is napping now !!! YEAH !

Karen and Kijin

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