KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

The big day ! Kijin turns 1 !!

Kijin turns 1 !

He had a late night on the night before. He was either teething or has a cold ! Ugh.

He woke up happy and us singing Happy Birthday to him.

The Marshalls ( my side ) came over= My parents, My brother Kolin, his wife Jenn and Sydney who is turning 5. Great Grandma was there ( who is 90 ) and my Great Uncle Paul arrived as well, Friends- Carl and Ange with Claire-!

We had a great BBQ !

We had hotdogs, burgers, sausages and Korean Barbecued Beef( Bulgogi), ( Ed and I made), and a Korean Watermelon Punch (Subak-hwachae) and many more snacks, Bday cake and the Korean treats.

Uncle Kolin tasted the Red Bean rice cakes and his face said it all ! " It tastes like rubbery playdough! " hahahahh

The Bulgogi was a hit and the Watermelon Punch ( of course , there is Brandy in it!!! )

It was a hot hot day, and the deck was finished ! YEAH DADDY !!!!!

Kijin got nice gifts from everyone ! Thanks for coming and bringing the gifts everyone !

Then we headed to the "Toljabee Event" table I had set up in the living room.

Kijin picked the rice !!!! ( he will be rich ) the Pencil and ruler ! A Rich Scholar !!!!!

Because it was soooooooooooooo hot, we did not put him in his Hanbok this day. ( he was also very cranky for not having a good night before or a good nap ! )

We decided he will wear it in church the next morning for his Dedication Day. ( plus he wore it for his photos ! )

Kijin blessed the cake by putting his hand in the icing and had a good piece of yummy cake !

A great day ! All the food turned out great even our try at the Korean food !

Thanks everyone ! :)

K.E.K.K. Wiersma

1 comment:

  1. What a great birthday party! Happy birthday to Kijin. I have to agree about the red bean cakes-- they have not yet grown on me either. Great job on finishing the deck!
