KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our Kyler

Our Kyler had a great year at school and passed into grade 5 starting in the fall with flying colours. Him and his grandad had a bet on Kyler getting at least 15 "A's" on his report card. Grandad had to lose 25 pounds. Kyler won the bet with 16-A's ( out of 36 ) and Grandad lost 20 pounds.

Kyler is midway through his softball season already. Pitching and is their power hitter.
He will be doing a few summer camps and hoping to stay at Wasaga Beach a few days with grandma and grandpa. Him and Kijin are enjoying the summer so far. It helps that they enjoy each others company! We try to do something every day with Kijin. Kyler is hoping to see most of his cousins this summer and welcoming the Wiersma;s coming home to Canada from Germany in August. He hopes we take a short camping trip this summer too !
Kyler is a very thoughtful and loving boy. He loves his brother and is happy to be away from school and home with us this summer! I am looking forward in enjoying this time off with the boys !

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your time with the boys! Way to go Kyler on winning the bet with your Grandad! It looks like you have a fun summer lined up.
