KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kyler's 10th Birthday October 8th, 2011

Hi all ! It's been awhile, but I have had computer issues and we have been busy !

What a beautiful Thanksgiving we had ! We celebrated Kyler's 10th Birthday on October 8th at East Side Marios ! Yummy ! Kijin tried out his first ice cream cone !

Kyler had a great day with family and scored some nice and cool gifts too ! The coolest gift was his "Ripstick" skateboard !!!

We then headed to Kitchener Waterloo to see the Marshall family for Thanksgiving Dinner and to check out their parade ! The weather was soooooo great, shorts, no jackets and as far as I can remember, the warmest day for a parade !!!

A great weekend !!!!

We hope everyone had a great and wonderful Thanksgiving !

K.E.K.K. Wiersmas

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