KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wiersma Pumpkin Carve Out, Bubble City, Walk on the Beach

It was a busy and fun weekend for us last week.

Kyler's PeeWee Hockey season has started. He is on the Black team this year, hopefully playing forward. Most boys in this league are soooo tall on skates! Yikes-Kyler is in the middle somewhere ! After a hockey practice, it was off to Kitchener to attend Aunt Jenn's Surprise 40th birthday party ! We got her !!! Happy early birthday Aunt Jenn !

Sunday morning was Kyler's first hockey game of the season. Which the team won 4-3. Kyler got his first penalty too ! Oh oh ! It has started ! Then it was off to Wasaga Beach for an early Wiersma Thanksgiving dinner.

The kids and dads helped carve out the small pumpkins grandma bought. They had fun and did a really good job !Then later a hungry and curious squirrel helped himself to Kyler's pumpkin and ate 1/2 of it !

The kids also had fun with the bubbles and made a huge "Bubble City" all over the lawn !

After a great dinner, it was off for a walk on the beach. A bit chilly and windy, but it was nice to get out. Kijin had no problems getting use to the huge backpack we put on Ed to haul him around! He loved it !

Nice to see all of you- Happy early Thanksgiving---thanks for Kyler's birthday presents ! Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend !

Karen, Ed, Kyler, Kijin Wiersma = KEKK

1 comment:

  1. What a fun family get together! Great job on the pumpkin carving!
