KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Moms back to work week

Well I almost survived my first week back to work! WOW those 9 months went fast eh? The week started off with no working stove ! Something went wonky with it as soon as it was finished cleaning ! So we had to think quick, call in a fixup, order in pizza one night, had left overs another night, had take out and then a crockpot dinner ! The stove got working on Wednesday ! Yippee !
Ed is now off , enjoying some time off to shop, do things around the house and take care of Kijin, and Kyler's school drop off/pick up routine ! He is the stay at home dad while I am back to work ! First day--first afternoon nap--guess what happens???? Yep ! Kijin gets out of his crib !!!!!! Ed also had the job of removing Kijin's "Soothie" during nap times, since when he starts daycare January 3rd- he will not beable to have one far so good...except for the one crib escape !!!!!! ( so far.........) Otherwise, work is fine, just a few days of reading a long list of emails, putting my desk back together and a few other things and it;s back to making sure everyone in Durham Region is compliant with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act !
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Remember, Jesus is the reason for celebrating Christmas Season. Many Blessings to you and to all our family and friends !

Karen, Ed, Kyler and Kijin Wiersma

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