KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, January 27, 2012

Court date for Wiersmas

Here is Kijin playing with his toy buckets ! :)

He is now 19months ! We just passed the 1 year mark of the phone call we got from our agent to tell us our referral was in and it was a Boy!!!

We have received a court date to confirm Kijins adoption papers ! February 15th ! Yeah!

Then it will be more paperwork to apply for his Canadian Citizenship, SIN , Health card, etc !

Have a great weekend !


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Sae-hae-bok ma-ni pa-d?-se-yo!

Hi there ! It's been awhile but we have been busy !

Last weekend, we attended the Korean New Years party in Mississauga.
We dressed Kijin up in his "Hanbok" and off we went ! It still fit him !
We enjoyed a fan dance, a drum show, a Korean clothing fashion show and more!
( i do have photos, i have yet to post them ) The other Wiersma's were there as well, so we enjoyed seeing the boys in their "Hanbok's" and took as much photos as I could. We did not stay for the wonderful lunch they put on for everyone, we hope to enjoy the Korean food at the next even ! YUM !!!

Kijin is getting use to his daycare- but unfortunately every 2 weeks he is coming home with a virus ! He got "Hand Foot Mouth Virus" a few weeks ago, which is a virus that brings out pox marks around the mouth , hands and feet, with fevers of course ! Poor guy ! It was soooo bad!!! Once he was over that, he got a sinus cold ! Yikes !!!

We finally got a court date to complete our Adoption Order/papers in February. !! YEAH ! Finally, then from here , we will apply for Canadian Citizenship, name change etc. !!!
Another year of paper work to be filled out and waiting for completion!

Otherwise, all is good- we are back in our routine.

I promise to post pictures soon!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kijin starts Daycare

What a week ! Kijin started daycare this past week and so far its going pretty rough! Since Kyler and Ed were still off , they got to drop Kijin off at his daycare and either I or they would pick him up.......first day was only a few hours....he did ok, happy to see Kyler and Ed pick him up...not so bad that day ! Wednesday was his first full day , including a nap there......he did ok, loved playing with the trains but definately did not like the little beds ! So no nap ! Yikes...! I picked him up that day...he cried when he saw me and he was ok at home but had a really rough night. Up every few I think he was dreaming about his daycare ! By Friday, he had enough ! When Ed and Kyler got him home, he was pretty ticked off with us !!!! Crying, and not wanting to be held by us.......he knows he was left at the daycare and does not like it ! So he is ticked with us for Saturday afternoon, he was comfortable with us again and started to play with his toys on his own.....! This ain't over yet ! More to come !!! We hope it will just take some time to getting use too ! :(
Otherwise , Ed and Kyler did the odd job around the house, and cleaned and put away all the Christmas stuff. Kyler starts school again on Monday, Ed back to work ( after 3 weeks off ) and me back to work and carpooling and hoping Kijin will get use to the daycare !
Happy January everyone !!!