KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Sae-hae-bok ma-ni pa-d?-se-yo!

Hi there ! It's been awhile but we have been busy !

Last weekend, we attended the Korean New Years party in Mississauga.
We dressed Kijin up in his "Hanbok" and off we went ! It still fit him !
We enjoyed a fan dance, a drum show, a Korean clothing fashion show and more!
( i do have photos, i have yet to post them ) The other Wiersma's were there as well, so we enjoyed seeing the boys in their "Hanbok's" and took as much photos as I could. We did not stay for the wonderful lunch they put on for everyone, we hope to enjoy the Korean food at the next even ! YUM !!!

Kijin is getting use to his daycare- but unfortunately every 2 weeks he is coming home with a virus ! He got "Hand Foot Mouth Virus" a few weeks ago, which is a virus that brings out pox marks around the mouth , hands and feet, with fevers of course ! Poor guy ! It was soooo bad!!! Once he was over that, he got a sinus cold ! Yikes !!!

We finally got a court date to complete our Adoption Order/papers in February. !! YEAH ! Finally, then from here , we will apply for Canadian Citizenship, name change etc. !!!
Another year of paper work to be filled out and waiting for completion!

Otherwise, all is good- we are back in our routine.

I promise to post pictures soon!


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