KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, May 28, 2012

Kijins BUZZZZZZ cut


Our little Kijin has grown so much and is talking up a storm lately!  The above photo was just last week, enjoying his first "whole" ice-cream cone and of course his before long hair photo.  Kijin HATES haircuts !  Screams and screams, while the poor hairdresser is trying to cut his hair. This time I had to hold him in the chair with no capes on! Tears, running nose and hair all over the place, but the end result was a cute one!  Soooo much cooler too for him, since he sweats like anything!  Kyler got his hair cut too ! ( with a McDonalds bribe he got it buzzed off too! ) 
Kijin is starting to talk a bit more now...a few words we hear often now are, "mine!" "no" "train, bus, truck, A, " and a few more! He is still doing great in daycare, picks up every virus under the sun still, colds, fevers, etc ! 
Here is his, chilling out with his glasses on, ready for mom to take him around the Oshawa Zoo. We took Kyler here years ago and its a really nice zoo to go for a few hours to check out the animals......mostly farm animals but a few exotic animals there too. It was just Kijin and I having a fun morning....while Dad and Kyler were at home working on the deck!!

Our little Kijin will be 2 already on June 18th........I think it will be a "Thomas the Tank Engine" themed birthday !

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