KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Wow, September is almost done ! How time flies !
I finished painting the bathroom- so thats off my list ! It turned out pretty good. Not bad for left over paint from the basement ! I'm just on a hunt for a few more things , then it will be finished :)
Kyler had a parent night last week and a sleep over at the school ! How fun is this? It all went well and Kyler was tired when he got home !
Ed and I were able to go to a wedding this past weekend ! Yeah ! Date night # 2 for us since Kijin has been home :) The wedding was great, the weather nice and nice to get out !
On a sad note, my cousins wife passed away over the weekend . She had a long battle with Cancer- but she fought hard for those 2 years and did as much as she could with her family. She leaves behind an 8 year old son, a 5 year old daughter and her husband. We will miss her dearly and thankfully she will be in heaven watching over us and her family. Rest in peace Liz xoxxoxo -
On a happy note, we have completed our 6 month report with Kijin with our agentcy. We now wait for the Adoption Order to go through , then we apply for his Canadianship. He is doing just fine. He is a happy toddler who is always on the go and wants to be outside all the time if he can help it ! Those teeth are coming in like crazy ! He is doing great so far in the church nursery, which makes me feel better , which may be a good transition to daycare in January. :)
We have a very busy upcoming weekend. Hope to have new pictures to post as well !
Happy Thursday everyone !

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday Wiersma Words

Wednesday Wiersma Words :)

We are back into the school mode with Kyler of course. So far so good in Grade 5 ! The highlight coming up is his teacher night and a sleepover at the school ! ( how kewl is that?)

We hope we signed him up in time for House League Hockey this season - probably need new skates, helmit, etc etc etc ! Kyler has grown so much this summer ! Him and Ed will be attending a "Home Alone" course too starting tonight- which will be on Thursdays for a bit !

Ed had a good successful CNE Exhibition this summer. If the CNE makes good money, then all the departments are happy and well underway planning for 2012 CNE ! The Royal Winter Fair is the next big exhibition at the EX.

We had our last ROACH Report-home visit for Kijin ! His 6 month update was finished this week ! We are now waiting for his "Adoption Order" to be completed , which means, he will be forever forever ours on paper") We hope that will be completed by December or January--then we apply for his Canadianship. ( which can take up to 1 year )

Kijin and I have been Daycare Shopping this past week- and we hope to have a place and decesion very soon. He will be starting in January 2012 !

Kijin and I will be jamming in as much as we can before I head back to work in December !!! Swimming, babynme time, social tea visits and so on !
Otherwise, I am reading when I can and trying to figure out what my new Fav TV shows are...i have a few movies i need to watch too before I go back.....lots to do ! OH --I did finish painting our guest (Kylers) bathroom a nice leftover brown paint last week !! I have some upcoming painting jobs to do too !!! LOL

Did anyone make any of my recipes?? Let me know how they turned out :)

Have a great Wednesday !

Words from a K. Wiersma !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Easy Crock Pot Meatloaf

Hi all ! Back to school routines eh? I've got an easy Meatloaf to throw together before you head out the door ! Trust your crock pot and have a dinner ready when you get home !

2 lbs, ground beef
2 eggs, beaten
2/3 cup quick-cooking oats
1 envelope dry onion soup mix
1/2 cup pasta sauce ( your favourite )
1 tsp. garlic powder
onion slices
( you can add any fav. spices too--pepper and salt to taste---)
1. Combine ground beef, eggs, oats, soup mix, pasta sauce, and garlic powder. ( hands are good to use). Shape into loaf. Place in slow cooker. Garnish top of loaf with onion slices.
2. Cover. Cook on low for 8 hours.
3. Serve by itself or pasta, or rice or potatoes or whatever you want !

Enjoy !


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Kyler starts Grade 5 !

My Kyler started Grade 5 today ! Oh my, where did the time go? He was ready to start school awhile ago ! I had to get him new pants, uniform shirts, all his in class items, new shoes etc. He already forgot his lunch bag on the first day of school !
Kyler gets picked up from home to go to school every morning , so Kijin and I have to get Kyler up and out that door by 7:50amish ! We say good bye from the window !
Kijin and I will go pick Kyler up and his 2 of his school mates and bring them home every day !
I'm sure Grade 5 will be a great challenge for Kyler :)
Happy back to school everyone !

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Visit to Kitchener

For the last weekend of the summer, we headed off to KitWat to visit Nana and Grandad Marshall and the rest of the family. ( and celebrate Nana's birthday! )

Friday we headed to Nana's school where she works where she was well underway getting those class lists out ! We met her boss principal, vice-principal and a few teachers. Kyler enjoyed checking out Nana's computer and her neat mouse !

Saturday morning, we went to the St.Jacobs market. ( before the storm hit there ) and got great deals on fresh food and other goodies ! A Great market if you haven't been ! I miss it ! I wish we had one like that in our area !

WE had Nana's birthday BBQ and cake on Saturday. Here is a picture of all the Marshall grandchildren.

( My brother Kirks kids )Jackson in the red shirt, is 9 and going into grade 4. He is tall like Kyler!

His brother , Jesse ( in the front) is 7 and is not looking forward to school !

Their sister, Presley ( blonde ) is going into JK full time ! She will be 4 in December.

Sydney ( front pink princess )( Kolins ) is 5 and is very excited in starting SK in her new school.

and of course my two at the back, Kyler and Kijin.

We had a great visit ! Nice to see everyone !

( Ed is busy working at the CNE EX )

Happy Labour Day weekend everyone !