KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

K.E.K Wiersma -Smile for the camera !

Hi all....
Grandpa Wiersma took a great photo of us so we can send it off to Kijin in South Korea. We are going to be sending a package to him and his foster family very soon. I have to collect a few more photos so this will be one of them for Kijin's little photo book. I found a small box to stuff in a blanket, a recordable book ( these are so great--we can read Kijin a story outloud while it records our voices , so he can listen to it as much as possible and get use to our voices ) an outfit, a pair of booties, a teething toy, a disposable camera,( Foster family can take a photos of Kijin in the next few months ) a photo book of us, and a few yummy Canadian goodies for the family ! We will send a thank you note and ask the Foster family to take photos of Kijin opening his package !


  1. Great family photo! Kijin is going to love it. (:

  2. That`s a beautiful photo! The foster family will be happy to see the picture as well. I know they checked out our photos frequently, because they told us that everyone they knew thought Daniel looked like Andy!

  3. Thanks for the posts guys ! Cant wait to send off his package !
