KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our South Korea Referral news !!

Hi all !!

Well we finally got our "Referral" and call that we have a 7 month old baby boy on January 17th, 2011 !
Kyler and myself were the only ones at home. Our Agent call us around 5:00pm ! Kyler and I both cried that we got the news !!! He is so happy to be a big brother !
WE had to hold off as much as possible to spread the news for we had to wait for a full "Referral" package with more information on our baby boy ! We had some running around to do and really did not finalize it until a week later !
He was born on June 18, 2010- 6.6 pounds in Daegu South Korea. He is currently 7 months old- 20 pounds ! His birth name is Jinwoo Cho. Which means Truthful and serenity. We will call him Kijin Woo Cho Wiersma! ( pronounced Key-Gin ) which means Korean ( Ki ) Truth. Of course another "K" name :) We are currently finishing up our paper work, it will then get sent on to Korea where we wait for a travel VISA and when Kijins paper is ready. Ed and I hope to fly out and meet/retrieve him in April or May 2011 !! HE is currently staying with his foster family.

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