KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some Q & A's

Some friends and family have been asking us and will be asking more questions along the way about our adoption journey. I'd thought I would post some of them and do my best to answer them :) However, if there are any more of your own to ask, ask away and post them in the comments box and I will be happy to answer them :)

Q. Why are you adopting from South Korea and not locally/Canada?
A. We decided to adopt from South Korea because--why not? Adoption is a beautiful thing and we are blessed that our family can do this. In South Korea, babies are brought up in foster homes and who are loved and cared for until they are waiting to be adopted. This is very important to us. We also wanted our family information secured ( Canadian Adoptive Parents information is not secured and fully accessable within time ) at all times until Kijin is ready to search out his birth family.

Q. What happened to his parents?
A. There is really not much I can say about baby Kijin's biological (birth) parents. We just know the basics and really, it will be Kijin's story to tell on day. We are blessed and thankful that we were chosen to be his parents for the rest of his life.

Q. How long will we stay in Korea? Are we bringing Kyler with us?
A. About 7-10 days max. We will be able to tour around South Korea for a few days to take in and learn as much as we can about Kijin's native country. Then we will meet Kijin and his foster parents for a brief time then later pick him up , have some bonding time then get ready to head home. Kyler will stay home and anxiously wait for us to return with his new baby brother. Our parents will help with staying home with Kyler, while he attends school. (he has never been on a plane before either, not sure how he will handle a 13 hour flight ! --I hope myself I can do this !! LOL )

Q. Do I get a leave from work and how long?
A. I am able to get off on a "Paternity" leave for 9 months . ( its an option to take off another 3 after that if needed ) I will take the full 9 months off- then see what happens. Ed will take a few weeks off here and there as well. But I am happy to have the summer off !!!!!! Kyler is happy too...not so much time in day camps !!!!!!

Q. When can family and friends see him?
A. This is tough and it is different for every family. We are unsure -until we are home and see how Kijin is adjusting to us, Kyler and his new surroundings. It is highly recommended to "Caccoon"sp? ourselves with Kijin as much as possible until he is familar with us, knows who we are and when we think he is ready to meet everyone. The goal is for Kijin to securely attach to us and once this is achieved then we can visit and see anyone . It is said that usually boys adjust better to change...but who knows...its hard to answer this now. for more information :)


  1. Love the blog! I have added it to my google reader so I will get all your updates! So excited for you!

  2. 3 comments and a question:
    - I also love the blog and it will be nice to be kept informed as to how everything is going!
    - The correct spelling is "Cocoon"
    - I like the photo at the top, but I recommend either cropping it or shrinking it or both since it takes up too much space. People might think there are no new postings if all they see is the same photo every time (you shouldn't have to scroll down to see the first post).

    "In South Korea, babies are brought up in foster homes and who are loved and cared for until they are waiting to be adopted." Is this untrue in Canada? Are the foster homes not loving or are they not in foster homes? I'm just curious, really.

    Again, keep up the good work!
