KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Kyler and Karen's Chocolate Kookies !

Kyler and Karen's Chocolate Kookies !
This batch makes at least 4 dozen of cookies. Kyler and I like to share them with our neighbours or his class on special occasions ! ( or even cookie exhanges ) Enjoy the recipe !

2 1/4 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon of salt

1 ( 3.3 ounce) package of VANILLA or CHOCOLATE pudding mix ( we use choc.)

1 cup butter--softened

1 cup white sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups semisweet choc. chips

Oven 375'

1. Stir flour, baking soda, salt, pudding powder, all together and set aside in a large bowl.

2. Cream butter, white sugar, brown sugar, until smooth. Blend in eggs and vanilla extract. Then gradually mix the dry ingredients until well blended. ( i use a wooden spoon or my hands ) . Stirl in choc. chips by hand or wooden spoon. Scoop into descent portions onto your baking pans 2" apart.

3. Bake 8-10 minutes 375'- until light golden.

Enjoy ! Let us know how they turn out !!!

Karen and Kyler Wiersma

We head to Ontario Place!

Grandma came for a visit this week and wanted to check out "Ontario Place". It's free Admission this year, but you still have to pay at least $30.oo for the day pass to enjoy the rides and water park. The "new" water slide was still under construction, but Kyler and I enjoyed the 3 best slides there ! Kijin and Grandma stayed at the splash park area and enjoyed their time there. Kijin was unsure of all the water coming at him in all directions and later soooo many people were there ! All in all , it was a great day.

I have not been there in years....i remember the mazes, jumping in the mass pit of balls, the water park, the huge slides we went down on old sacks !! LOL - and I was probably around 7 years old !

Plan to go early, and perhaps leave after a supper or when the traffic dies down. There is lots to do, lots to see, and lots of walking to one end of the island to the other ! ( we parked at Eds work--CNE -and walked over to Ont. Place)

Thanks for a great water day ! ( my muscles are killing me ! ) LOL !

Our Kitchener Visit

Kyler, Kijin and I ( Karen ) us three "K"s headed to Kitchener last week to visit Nana and Grandad Marshall. It was hot and muggy there too ! The grass there was sooooo dry ! We could not believe how much drier it was there than it was was here in Pickering !

Grandad and Kyler headed to the indoor pool not far from their house. They had a great swim, but a few rowdy kids stole and took off with Grandads underwear, his favourite shorts and Kylers t-shirt ! So they came home with only their bathing suits ! Those kids better watch out , because Grandad is on the hunt for the lost clothes !!! ( Grandad never puts his wallet and keys in the locker at the pool ! So thank goodness those kids did not get their hands on that !!! )

Kijin and I headed to the little splash pad across the street and Kijin loved it !

Sunday was a Marshall BBQ for cousin Jesse's 7th and Sydney's 5th Birthday !!!

Jesse 7 Sydney 5

We all had a great day and time in Kitchener !

My Beach Boys

Hi all ! Last week we headed up to the beach to visit Grandpa and Grandma Wiersma in Wasaga Beach ! It was sooooo hot ! Almost too hot to sit on the beach ! The water was beautiful, and at some water areas felt like hot soup ! Kyler and Kijin loved the water and what's a beach day without building a sand castle???

Kyler , Grandpa and I also went to Collingwood Bluemountain and checked out their new slide down the mountain! Now that was fun ! Kyler and I paired up and rode the new sled all the way down which felt like a small rollar coaster ! Kyler also rode his first "Go-Kart" with grandpa around a medium size track. Later that night Kyler and grandpa also went for a mini putt game-Grandpa won ! They also played a smaller version of "ShuffleBoard" on which Grandpa won too ! Thanks for a great couple of days Grandpa and Grandma !

Friday, July 15, 2011

C4 VBS Week !

Hi all ! This week Kyler went to our church's VBS "PandaMania" camp ! It was only in the mornings, so Kijin and I dropped Kyler off at church then headed out to do our "stuff" !

In these past few months, I have been helping out with the craft and set up designs for the camp. Our group even created a 15 foot "WaterFall" for the main attraction ! A lot of work goes into these camps and we are blessed for all the people who help out and make a fantastic week for the kids ! Kyler enjoyed the games and the snacks the best I think !

While Kyler was in camp, Kijin and I went for walks in the parks that were in the church area, or shopping or went to visit my work office. He is usually a bit hit with all the ladies!

The afternoon was usually a fun splash hour in our blow up pool :)

Next week we will be heading to Wasaga Beach and ending the week in Kitchener to visit Nana and Grandad Marshall !

Thanks C4 for a great week !

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kwick! Kompany's Koming! Banana Bread Recipe!!

We had a friend of mine come over today so we had to make something to eat with our tea ! So I'm sharing my Banana Bread recipe !

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp.salt

1/4 tsp.ground nutmeg

1/8 tsp.ground ginger

2 eggs, lightly beaten

1 1/2 cups mashed banana ( 4 to 5) spotted bananas ( i sometimes freeze the really bad ones, defrost them and put them as well)

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup cooking oil or melted butter

1/4 cup chopped walnuts ( optional)

1. Oven to 350F. Grease bottom and the sides of a loaf pan

2. Large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, and ginger. Make a well in centre of flour misture, set aside.

3. Medium bowl, combine eggs, mashed banana, sugar and oil. Then add the egg mixture to the flour mixture. Stir until moistened. ( batter should be lumpy ) Fold in the Walnuts. Place into loaf pan. Then optional to add a spinkle Streusel-Nut Topping over batter.

4. Bake 55 t0 60 min. or until tooth pick comes out clean. Serve and enjoy ! or Wrap it and store it overnight in the fridge before slicing.

Streusel-Nut Topping

In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup packed brown sugar and 3 Tbsp. all purpose flour. Cut in 2 Tbsp butter until mixture is coarse crumbs. Stir in 1/3 cup chopped walnuts. ( use a fork to do this or pastry blender )

Enjoy !

I have also sent our guest home with 1/2 of a loaf !

This is also a great Christmas gift for those you have no idea who to buy for !

( I give one now to my grandmother every year ! )

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our Kyler

Our Kyler had a great year at school and passed into grade 5 starting in the fall with flying colours. Him and his grandad had a bet on Kyler getting at least 15 "A's" on his report card. Grandad had to lose 25 pounds. Kyler won the bet with 16-A's ( out of 36 ) and Grandad lost 20 pounds.

Kyler is midway through his softball season already. Pitching and is their power hitter.
He will be doing a few summer camps and hoping to stay at Wasaga Beach a few days with grandma and grandpa. Him and Kijin are enjoying the summer so far. It helps that they enjoy each others company! We try to do something every day with Kijin. Kyler is hoping to see most of his cousins this summer and welcoming the Wiersma;s coming home to Canada from Germany in August. He hopes we take a short camping trip this summer too !
Kyler is a very thoughtful and loving boy. He loves his brother and is happy to be away from school and home with us this summer! I am looking forward in enjoying this time off with the boys !

Caught red handed !

I caught Kijin red handed grabbing at my garden ! The look he gives me after I say "No!" is priceless. All I need to do now is get him to pull my weeds out ! :)

My Backyardigans

My Backyardigans and I have been hanging out in the backyard this past week and probably many more summer days to come! Kijin loves to explore the backyard. He loves picking up rocks, tree petals, leaves , branches and once and awhile has to taste them ! YUCK! Many times, I had to check inside his mouth to remove a bug or leaf or whatever ! He also likes to pull at my flowers in the garden!

Kyler and I pumped up the larger pool as well and both of them had a great time in the water !

Kijin falls asleep in his new rider ! AWWW !

We decided to take another bike ride so Kijin can get use to his "Red Rider". Within moments- not even 1 block from the house, Kijin falls asleep ! His poor helmit is heavy on his head ! So he just basically says, " What the heck? Might as well take a nap since I can't even hold my head up ! " LOL !

We are getting use to pulling it though. WE took it up to Wasaga Beach on the long weekend, and Ed pulled him for a change ! If we stick to the bike paths and roadways, its a smooth ride ! Right Kijin??