KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Kitchener Visit

Kyler, Kijin and I ( Karen ) us three "K"s headed to Kitchener last week to visit Nana and Grandad Marshall. It was hot and muggy there too ! The grass there was sooooo dry ! We could not believe how much drier it was there than it was was here in Pickering !

Grandad and Kyler headed to the indoor pool not far from their house. They had a great swim, but a few rowdy kids stole and took off with Grandads underwear, his favourite shorts and Kylers t-shirt ! So they came home with only their bathing suits ! Those kids better watch out , because Grandad is on the hunt for the lost clothes !!! ( Grandad never puts his wallet and keys in the locker at the pool ! So thank goodness those kids did not get their hands on that !!! )

Kijin and I headed to the little splash pad across the street and Kijin loved it !

Sunday was a Marshall BBQ for cousin Jesse's 7th and Sydney's 5th Birthday !!!

Jesse 7 Sydney 5

We all had a great day and time in Kitchener !

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