KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

C4 VBS Week !

Hi all ! This week Kyler went to our church's VBS "PandaMania" camp ! It was only in the mornings, so Kijin and I dropped Kyler off at church then headed out to do our "stuff" !

In these past few months, I have been helping out with the craft and set up designs for the camp. Our group even created a 15 foot "WaterFall" for the main attraction ! A lot of work goes into these camps and we are blessed for all the people who help out and make a fantastic week for the kids ! Kyler enjoyed the games and the snacks the best I think !

While Kyler was in camp, Kijin and I went for walks in the parks that were in the church area, or shopping or went to visit my work office. He is usually a bit hit with all the ladies!

The afternoon was usually a fun splash hour in our blow up pool :)

Next week we will be heading to Wasaga Beach and ending the week in Kitchener to visit Nana and Grandad Marshall !

Thanks C4 for a great week !

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