KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

We head to Ontario Place!

Grandma came for a visit this week and wanted to check out "Ontario Place". It's free Admission this year, but you still have to pay at least $30.oo for the day pass to enjoy the rides and water park. The "new" water slide was still under construction, but Kyler and I enjoyed the 3 best slides there ! Kijin and Grandma stayed at the splash park area and enjoyed their time there. Kijin was unsure of all the water coming at him in all directions and later soooo many people were there ! All in all , it was a great day.

I have not been there in years....i remember the mazes, jumping in the mass pit of balls, the water park, the huge slides we went down on old sacks !! LOL - and I was probably around 7 years old !

Plan to go early, and perhaps leave after a supper or when the traffic dies down. There is lots to do, lots to see, and lots of walking to one end of the island to the other ! ( we parked at Eds work--CNE -and walked over to Ont. Place)

Thanks for a great water day ! ( my muscles are killing me ! ) LOL !

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