KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas chores

Yikes ! Kijin and I have nasty colds this week-sneezing like crazy and just feeling blah ! We are trying to finish up our Christmas chores since my work date back is coming up soon ! Ed will be off and is counting the days down for his 3 weeks off!
This past weekend, we went to a "Korean" Christmas party hosted by the "Korean Canadian Children's Association-KCCA" in Thornhill. It is a special occation put on every year so the families can enjoy and experience the riches of Korean culture and connect with other adoptive families across Ontario. We enjoyed the Christmas service which opened up singing the Korean National Anthem and the Canadian Anthem. All the little ones tried hard to sit through the long service and some of them made it :) Kijin just went up and down the isles , smiling at everyone and picking up things off the ground ( oh joy ). Three other families were "new" to this event besides us and we were announced and introduced at the end of the service !
The Korean dinner was great ! All that hard work and made by volunteers from the church was worth it ! ( Kyler stuck to just eating his white rice --he did not want to try any Korean food ) The bulgogi was amazing !!!!
Santa came around and Ed took Kijin over to see him.......Santa got the "Kijin stare down look" , got his present then wanted out of there ! Kyler got a nice gift too from Santa and played with a few other little Korean boys with balloons around the dinner tables ! Kyler was a "big brother" for awhile playing and watching over the boys while some of the parents talked around the tables :)
Next up is the Korean New Year Celebration in January. We hope to go and check that out as well !
Kyler got his report card last week--and he did a great job ! All "A"s and "B"s. A big sigh of relief when he opened his report card first when he got home ! He is busy working on his book report and boardgame assignment due before the holidays.
My Christmas cards are out, my shopping is done, just the big Christmas tree to decorate !
If you did not get a Christmas card or email from us, let me know--I'll make sure you get one :)


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