KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

Saehae bog manh-i bad-euseyo !!! Happy New Year !

We hope the Christmas was good for everyone !

We started with our childrens church service on Christmas Eve and enjoyed the rest of the evening opening presents afterwards. It was a LEGO Christmas for Kyler this year as well as other goodies ! I got an annual mom poem and had to look for my presents around the house ! Some nice perfume and a handy dandy new coffee machine ! It was an "Elmo" Christmas for Kijin of course and his first Christmas with us. He loved his toys and stocking stuffers !

Christmas day it was off to Kitchener to see the Marshalls. A wonderful dinner and many gifts ! Thanks to everyone for a great day ! It was all so quick and over before we knew it! Grandad got a poem from us and an unusual gift request from us this year. He can choose to take the CN TOWER EDGE walk !! If not, he can just take in a Marleys hockey game with the boys...we will keep you posted on what he decides !

We had all the Wiersma's over to our place for the first time in awhile on the 27th. Ed and I cooked up a storm and put out enough food to feed everyone for the week ! The cousins enjoyed each others company and mostly played games on their DS's! Kijin loved playing with all the kids ! All of the cousins exchanged wonderful gifts with eachother too. It snowed and it snowed and it snowed ! We hoped everyone had a great Wiersma Christmas!

Our New Year plans we have yet to plan, but it will probably be nice just to stay home, eat all the leftover goodies and enjoy the bottles of wine we got as gifts!

Happy New Year everyone and a Blessed 2012 year !

Karen, Ed, Kyler, Kijin Wiersma

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