KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, April 23, 2012

Kyler learning to Fence- En Garde !

En Garde !   Our Kyler is learning to Fence on Wednesday nights in Ajax. I thought Kyler may enjoy this, since he likes the "Pirates of the Carribean" movies! 
He just started a few weeks ago. Kyler is in the beginning class which range from 8-12 years old. ( most of them are boys! )They first learn to "Lunge" "Parry" and the basics of fencing before they put on the gear and give them swords! Last week, they were able to put on the protective gear, which is a helmit, a coat, and a glove. They also use plastic swords, and real fencing swords. I don't have a picture yet of him holding his sword, but they just started to use them!

Here is some basic info on fencing:
Fencing, which is also known as modern fencing to distinguish it from historical fencing, is a family of combat sports using bladed weapons. It is also known as french swordfighting or french swordfencing. It is usually practised with the help of a sword or mini-blade.
 In fencing, two players face off against each other. The first player to score 15 points by jabbing, or "touching," wins. Matches last a maximum of nine minutes. En Garde !

It's a bit early to tell yet, to see if Kyler is really into this sport "Fencing" , but it's a good work out and it's different ! He enjoys the "swords" of course !  The classes go until early June.  We will keep you posted !

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Boys !

Our Kyler has grown so much this year ! He is almost as tall as me and I'm 5'4 ! He can wear my running shoes with no problems !  His hockey league is finished for the year, so here is all dressed up at the year end party. The team came in 6th place and Kyler got a trophie. The coach said the following about Kyler....
"Special congratulations to Kyler Wiersma who played up a year instead of playing atom. Despite the age difference ( it means a ton at this age) you played consistantly well throughout the entire season. I'm sure you will play great over the next two seasons in peewee. It isn't easy playing with older boys and you did a good job! "

And here is our smilely "Kijin" posing for Dad's camera!  He is going to be 2 soon and he is doing so well !  His is coming along just fine in his daycare and so far the sick days have slowed down ! Yeah!   He still loves Elmo , but we think "Thomas the Tank Engine" is going to be the next  #1 !!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Wiersma Easter

Happy Easter everyone !   Us KEKK Wiersma's had a great but busy weekend!  Friday was a quick visit from Uncle Rob, Orion and Percy where we gave Orion his birthday gift. He is going to be 8 !  It was also a day of rest , outside play and spring cleaning!  Saturday, it was off to Sarnia to visit the Wiersma's out a yonder!  We had a lovely day to play outside and enjoy the company of family. Kijin did a fantastic job sitting in the car for 3 hours too !  Caleb is turning 11 !  So another birthday gift was given and we got an Easter goody loot and also had an egg hunt !!!
Sunday was another day of rest and more spring cleaning!!!
Monday, it was off to Wasaga Beach to visit more Wiersma's ! We had a lovely day at the was cold and windy but nice to visit with grandma,grandpa, Uncle Rob, Orion and Percy!  WE are off to see the Marshalls next weekend for a belated Easter get together :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kyler's March Break !

Every year, Kyler gets 2 weeks off for March Break ! So he started it off with going to the Toronto Zoo with Ed, and his grandparents and uncle and cousins.( Percy and Orion) The weather was not the best but the animals were all out ! Kyler had my camera and of course took many photos of the animals !  Great Pictures though!

I have been playing squash since December. Kyler wanted to play, so off we went to a free Squash clinic in Ajax. We got a free lesson and a free court to play. WE were asked to have our pictures taken for the "SNAP Ajax newspaper". So this and a few more on their website are the shots they took of us. We also put in our names for a free prize in their draw and Kyler won a new Squash Racket!  He enjoyed it and hopefully he will continue to play and not kick my butt! 

Kyler also enjoyed a few days with Nana and Grandad in Kitchener and hung out with his cousins and swam at the rec pool. He finished his hockey season as well. The team coming in 5th !  Then off he went to Wasaga Beach to hang out with Grandpa and Grandma. The weather was beautiful remember that week? Kyler swam in the lake at Wasauga Beach!!! Plus in the outdoor pool at Blue Mountain!  He also helped grandma out at the local food bank and biked everywhere! He had a great week there too!!!

Kyler made the top of his class along with his buddy Stephen with the best speeches. The school competition was on the 29th of March in Mississauga.Kyler and Stephen did a fantastic job standing up in front of a room full of grade 5's and being judged on their speeches!  Kyler spoke on"My Brother Kijin" and Stephen did one on "Dreams". They did not place but their school came in 2nd place overall!  Great job guys!!!! They get to enjoy a pizza party on Thursday for all the contestants!

Happy Spring everyone !

KEKK Wiersma !

March News

Wow!  March went by soooo fast !!!    WE started off March with celebrating my birthday !  The kitchen was decorated, i got flowers, a dinner out and wonderful gifts from friends and family !  Thanks for a great birthday!!!

Kijin is now 21 months old and getting use the family schedule....and getting use to his daycare. He has the odd sick day - but his immune system is being buit up right??  He is getting more words in his vocabulary and we know he knows exactly whats going on and is very smart! He says "Mum" "DAA!" and "kker" ? for Kyler ! HE loves trains , Elmo and still likes to pick everything off the ground ! ( Kyler did this and brought things home from school !!!! ) Last week, he would not walk on the backyard grass ! He would stand there and then tiptoe or cry..we were wondering what was going on! Was he afraid of his shadow??? Nope......!  I asked the daycare and they laughed and told me, that one week , they could not stand on the grass because of the puddles and muddy ground ! LOL  !

We also celebrated our "Forever Family Day!" with Kijin on March 27th ! YES ! It has been 1 year already !  My goodness !  Time flies eh?  WE had a nice dinner at home with an icecream cake !  We will probably celebrate this day every year !