KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Wiersma Easter

Happy Easter everyone !   Us KEKK Wiersma's had a great but busy weekend!  Friday was a quick visit from Uncle Rob, Orion and Percy where we gave Orion his birthday gift. He is going to be 8 !  It was also a day of rest , outside play and spring cleaning!  Saturday, it was off to Sarnia to visit the Wiersma's out a yonder!  We had a lovely day to play outside and enjoy the company of family. Kijin did a fantastic job sitting in the car for 3 hours too !  Caleb is turning 11 !  So another birthday gift was given and we got an Easter goody loot and also had an egg hunt !!!
Sunday was another day of rest and more spring cleaning!!!
Monday, it was off to Wasaga Beach to visit more Wiersma's ! We had a lovely day at the was cold and windy but nice to visit with grandma,grandpa, Uncle Rob, Orion and Percy!  WE are off to see the Marshalls next weekend for a belated Easter get together :)

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