KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

March News

Wow!  March went by soooo fast !!!    WE started off March with celebrating my birthday !  The kitchen was decorated, i got flowers, a dinner out and wonderful gifts from friends and family !  Thanks for a great birthday!!!

Kijin is now 21 months old and getting use the family schedule....and getting use to his daycare. He has the odd sick day - but his immune system is being buit up right??  He is getting more words in his vocabulary and we know he knows exactly whats going on and is very smart! He says "Mum" "DAA!" and "kker" ? for Kyler ! HE loves trains , Elmo and still likes to pick everything off the ground ! ( Kyler did this and brought things home from school !!!! ) Last week, he would not walk on the backyard grass ! He would stand there and then tiptoe or cry..we were wondering what was going on! Was he afraid of his shadow??? Nope......!  I asked the daycare and they laughed and told me, that one week , they could not stand on the grass because of the puddles and muddy ground ! LOL  !

We also celebrated our "Forever Family Day!" with Kijin on March 27th ! YES ! It has been 1 year already !  My goodness !  Time flies eh?  WE had a nice dinner at home with an icecream cake !  We will probably celebrate this day every year ! 

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