KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Boys !

Our Kyler has grown so much this year ! He is almost as tall as me and I'm 5'4 ! He can wear my running shoes with no problems !  His hockey league is finished for the year, so here is all dressed up at the year end party. The team came in 6th place and Kyler got a trophie. The coach said the following about Kyler....
"Special congratulations to Kyler Wiersma who played up a year instead of playing atom. Despite the age difference ( it means a ton at this age) you played consistantly well throughout the entire season. I'm sure you will play great over the next two seasons in peewee. It isn't easy playing with older boys and you did a good job! "

And here is our smilely "Kijin" posing for Dad's camera!  He is going to be 2 soon and he is doing so well !  His is coming along just fine in his daycare and so far the sick days have slowed down ! Yeah!   He still loves Elmo , but we think "Thomas the Tank Engine" is going to be the next  #1 !!!!

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