KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Words---Thanks for the baby shower gifts :)

Hello all ! We had a busy weekend ! We started off by getting Kyler signed up for his new soft ball team for the summer. It turns out , that his team is COED and his uniform is "Purple" ! He is not too sure about that, but we will see how it goes ! Batter......Batter.....Batter.....swing Batter !!!!!

On Sunday, Trudy and Jennifer put on a lovely baby shower for Kijin ! Thanks for all those who attended and thanks for the gifts !!! It was nice to see those who I have not seen in awhile ! Kijin loves the new toys and all the clothes will fit him! Thank you !

Ed has started to fix our deck ! Yeah ! Its good to have a deadline ! LOL June 18th is Kijin's first birthday. We will have people over and it would be nice to stand or sit on our deck !

Kijin is walking !--back and forth in his play area but he is not walking everywhere yet ! Soon ! He is proud of himself and has a full smile on his face when he is walking !
He has a cold now :( and is not a happy camper at the moment :(

Have a great week everyone and thanks again for the gifts :)

Karen, Ed, Kyler, Kijin

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May long weekend at Wasaga Beach

Hi all ! This past weekend, we headed up to Wasaga Beach to visit Grandma and Grandpa Wiersma ! We headed up on Sunday which was raining up until lunch time, then the sun came out and it got hot !!!!! Us ladies took Kigin for a walk to the beach and tested out the water ! Kijin was not sure about the mud and water between his toes ! But grandma wants to start him in the water early to get use to it all summer ! The boys went for a nice long bike ride along the trails and beach. Grandma had an oldie but a goodie stroller and Kijin took his afternoon nap in it !!! At night, we had a nice camp fire and did not enjoy all the fireworks going on and off around us !!!! LOL

Kijin had his first sleep over away from home and he did well sleeping in the playpen , which made mommy happy !!! We brought all the comforts from home and he went out like a light :) Thanks for a nice visit grandma and grandpa !

Kijin is enjoying the grass in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard. No need to cut it anymore ! LOL Kijin was picking it and of course shoving it in his mouth ! YUMMY !!!!

We hope everyone had a good long weekend !

Karen, Ed, Kyler, and Kijin Wiersma

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Knight and Shining Armour !!

As is the picture of "Duke " Kyler and "Duke" Edward's castle they had to build for his grade 4 project ! It turned out great ! A lot of sweat and tears went into the planning and building of it ! Kyler's class had to show them off the other night at his school. There were so many excellent built castles ! WOW ! I hope they all get "A's" !!!! Good job guys !!!!!! ( well done as well parents ! ) Only the written part of the project is due soon !
We took lots of pictures, so when Ed has to do this again with Kijin in a few years, it may be a bit easier !!!!! LOL

Queen Karen
King Edward
Duke Kyler
and Duke Kijin signing off !!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New shoes, castle building continues, and Kijin turning 11 months !

Hello all ! Kijin gets his first pair of walking shoes ! He is taking many steps on his own already ! I don't think it will be long before he is walking ! He will be 11 months this week and almost home with us for 2 months already ! How time flies ......... He had his second needle last week....EEEK ! He did reactions and no problems ! YEAH !

Kijin after all has taken a different "Soother" usually now at nap times or at night or when he is having a bad teething day....which seems to me , all the time now.....but it looks like he has overcome his old soother attachment and has moved on...I am thankful for this !

Kyler and Ed have almost finished the "Castle Project", which I will post once its finished. ! What a project ! My goodness ! I have been talked into doing some touch up painting on the castle...had to dust off my craft paints and find my craft brushes ! This should be fun. Kyler for sure will be directing me on how or what to paint on his castle. There is a "Castle" viewing on Tuesday at his school. I have also promised to take him to "Casa Loma" as well....I have not been there in years..... stay tuned......

Otherwise all is well..... :)

Enjoy your weekend and especially your long weekend !!

Many Blessings :)

K.E.K.K. Wierma

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Soother--Update

Hi all ! We have a "Soother" update !

Earlier I mentioned we found a contact on line who has a "lightbulb" shaped soother for us ! :)

We picked them up on Sunday--and they are from England ! The shape is pretty "close" to his original one from here we go on trying to have him giving them a try !

Yesterday was day 1 - on the new soother.

He was happy in the morning, so I removed his old one, and placed the new one on his attachment string. HE looked at it, and looked at it and then left it alone. He put it in his mouth once, then spit it out looking at it--basically knowing its not "his" soother.

Nap time came around....oh oh......! Nope, did not even put it in his mouth....but went down for a good nap ! ( this is great far? )

For the rest of the day, did not even look at it.

Night time came around.......He was MADDDDDD !!!!! Screamed at me on and off for the full 1 hour---!!!!! I'd go in there...even put in a different soother I got last month, try to put it in his mouth !!! Nope !!! closed his lips tight....did not want that one or the new one !!!! Finally he feel asleep with no soother in his mouth!!

Day 2--

Today he did not even show an interest in it.

We were at the doctors today---( Needle #2 ) and he put it in his mouth for 5 min tops !!!! YEAH !!!

That was it though ! He still has not touched it since !

Nap time today , he threw both soothers out of the crib.....not napping well today!

:( So.......we will see what happens by the end of the week !!!!

His old soother is too small for his mouth, and I can see one tooth may be turning a bit because of it.....sooooooo its either the new soother or no soother !!! :( ( bad mommy- I know ) :(

Kyler never had a soother, so I never had this issue before ! My goodness !

I will keep ya posted !!

Karen and Kijin

Friday, May 6, 2011

UGH ! The pain about those teeth!!

Hey all ! It's been awhile but we have been busy ! :) We have 3 teeth "issues" going on in the K.E.K.K Wiersma family at the moment !

The first............

Kijin is teething ! Those brand new teeth are coming in fast ! He is drooling and not too happy about it ! He has about 8 now....more are coming in !

The second..........

Kyler, on the other hand is losing his baby teeth ! 3 teeth in about 3 weeks !! The tooth fairy has been here a lot lately ! LOL ! He has his dentist appointment next month. They will be happy that his baby teeth are finally coming out. :)

The third and last....

Ed is having an old tooth cavity issue ! Can you say....root canal?? Yep !

So while my family is having a "teeth" week ! Just remember all to take good care of those teeth ! LOL ! Brush, floss and take care of them ! And don't forget to visit your dentist !!!!!!!

LOL !!!

Have a great Mothers Day Weekend !!!

K.E.K.K Wiersma's !!!!