KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New shoes, castle building continues, and Kijin turning 11 months !

Hello all ! Kijin gets his first pair of walking shoes ! He is taking many steps on his own already ! I don't think it will be long before he is walking ! He will be 11 months this week and almost home with us for 2 months already ! How time flies ......... He had his second needle last week....EEEK ! He did reactions and no problems ! YEAH !

Kijin after all has taken a different "Soother" usually now at nap times or at night or when he is having a bad teething day....which seems to me , all the time now.....but it looks like he has overcome his old soother attachment and has moved on...I am thankful for this !

Kyler and Ed have almost finished the "Castle Project", which I will post once its finished. ! What a project ! My goodness ! I have been talked into doing some touch up painting on the castle...had to dust off my craft paints and find my craft brushes ! This should be fun. Kyler for sure will be directing me on how or what to paint on his castle. There is a "Castle" viewing on Tuesday at his school. I have also promised to take him to "Casa Loma" as well....I have not been there in years..... stay tuned......

Otherwise all is well..... :)

Enjoy your weekend and especially your long weekend !!

Many Blessings :)

K.E.K.K. Wierma

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