KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Words---Thanks for the baby shower gifts :)

Hello all ! We had a busy weekend ! We started off by getting Kyler signed up for his new soft ball team for the summer. It turns out , that his team is COED and his uniform is "Purple" ! He is not too sure about that, but we will see how it goes ! Batter......Batter.....Batter.....swing Batter !!!!!

On Sunday, Trudy and Jennifer put on a lovely baby shower for Kijin ! Thanks for all those who attended and thanks for the gifts !!! It was nice to see those who I have not seen in awhile ! Kijin loves the new toys and all the clothes will fit him! Thank you !

Ed has started to fix our deck ! Yeah ! Its good to have a deadline ! LOL June 18th is Kijin's first birthday. We will have people over and it would be nice to stand or sit on our deck !

Kijin is walking !--back and forth in his play area but he is not walking everywhere yet ! Soon ! He is proud of himself and has a full smile on his face when he is walking !
He has a cold now :( and is not a happy camper at the moment :(

Have a great week everyone and thanks again for the gifts :)

Karen, Ed, Kyler, Kijin

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