KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May long weekend at Wasaga Beach

Hi all ! This past weekend, we headed up to Wasaga Beach to visit Grandma and Grandpa Wiersma ! We headed up on Sunday which was raining up until lunch time, then the sun came out and it got hot !!!!! Us ladies took Kigin for a walk to the beach and tested out the water ! Kijin was not sure about the mud and water between his toes ! But grandma wants to start him in the water early to get use to it all summer ! The boys went for a nice long bike ride along the trails and beach. Grandma had an oldie but a goodie stroller and Kijin took his afternoon nap in it !!! At night, we had a nice camp fire and did not enjoy all the fireworks going on and off around us !!!! LOL

Kijin had his first sleep over away from home and he did well sleeping in the playpen , which made mommy happy !!! We brought all the comforts from home and he went out like a light :) Thanks for a nice visit grandma and grandpa !

Kijin is enjoying the grass in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard. No need to cut it anymore ! LOL Kijin was picking it and of course shoving it in his mouth ! YUMMY !!!!

We hope everyone had a good long weekend !

Karen, Ed, Kyler, and Kijin Wiersma

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