KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Road Trip to Peterborough Zoo

Today we headed off to Peterborough Zoo. If you are ever out that way or find yourself up the 115/35, go and check out the Peterborough Zoo. It's a nice free park with animals, a splash pad, a few parks, trails and the cutest train that takes you for a ride for 2.00$ !
Kijin loved to see all the animals and Kyler took most of our pictures on moms camera ! Kijin was not too happy about posing for a photo for mom , but he had a great day ! Kijin took a snooze after our lunch and seeing all the animals. Kyler played in the parks and then we headed for home ! A great day !

Kijin's Fun Play Time !

Here is Kijin enjoying his "Elmo" chair and his toy buckets ! He loves his toys and play area we have for him in the TV room ! His favourite toys are "Elmo" his "Shape" ball, and the little musical table.

Kyler's Softball Trophy

On Saturday, Kyler's softball league had a BBQ and presented trophies to all the teams. Unfortunately we think his "Violet Blooms" team came near or last place this season, but all in all Kyler had fun and learned a new sport this summer ! Yeah Kyler !

Wednesday Words

In these last few weeks of summer before school starts we have just been enjoying the weather, park visits, more shopping for school, etc.

Kyler finally got his hair cut, buzzed off again! And Kijin got his first haircut ! He did not like it at all ! But he had a lot of hair in the back and it was too hot for him sometimes, so a bit of a trim was needed :)

I also got a nice hair cut while I was in Toronto Tuesday night ! Might as well.....I had an hour or so before I went to see the show "Billy Elliot" with mom Wiersma. The cut will take some getting use to, but the show was fabulous !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well worth it to go and see !

Kyler finished his swimming lessons last week ! Whew ! Passed level 6 :) He is also signed up for a "Home Alone" course and hockey in the fall.

Now off to the Peterborough Zoo !

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Karens Summer Reads

I love to read !!! When I have the time that is ! Since I have been off with Kijin, I am trying to just catch up on reading ! I just find the time and do it ! ( nap times and at night if I can ! ) I'll give you the list of my summer reads, in case you find you have some time to read a good book!

1. The Help - Kathryn Stockett ( now a movie )

2. Water For Elephants- ( """)

3. Still Missing- Chevy Stevens --( a book I could NOT put down)

4. Never Knowing-Chevy Stevens

5. Into the Wilderness--Sara Donati

6. I am Number four --(series) -Pittacus Lore ( movie too)

7. House Rules--Jodi Picoult

8. Love You More--Lisa Gardner ( love all her books--whodoneits)

9. Room--Emma Donoghue

10. The Hunger Games (series) (movie 2012) --great book!!

I have many more lists of books yet to read ! Books on hold at the library mostly! And lists from other readers who told me their favourite books :)

Happy Reading everyone !!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Elmo and Kijin--a cute pair !!

Hi all ! Here is a cute picture of Elmo and Kijin !

Kijin loves to play and watch Elmo most of the time :) I think we saw his favourite Elmo DVD a million times already ! He is now 14 months old ! He can say "Elmo" ...."Elgno ! " bird, cat, dog, buzzzz, and a few we cannot figure out ! LOL.

Kyler was away last week in Wasauga Beach, enjoying a day camp , time with his cousins and swimming at the beach. He had a great time, and missed Kijin. Meanwhile, mom and Kijin hung out all week and had a nice visit from Nana!

Ed is busy working at the EX CNE ! So if you head down that way, make sure to say hello!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Aunti Jenn's Potatoe Deluxe Casserole !

I got this cassarole recipe from my sis-in-law Jenn. It's easy and it's good for a breakfast or brunch. ( or any meal)

You will need:

1 bag ( 2lbs) frozen hash browns

1/2 cup diced/chopped up onions

2 cups sour cream

2 soup cans of cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup melted butter

1 cup shredded cheese

salt and pepper to taste

crushed potatoe chips

Mix all ingredients together, except the chips

- place in a greased 9x9 pan

-cover with potatoe chips

Bake 375' for 1 1/2-2hours

Enjoy ! Karen !

Fun with the Wiersma Boy Cousins Club !

Us Wiersma's had some backyard fun on Friday ! Grandma and I had all the boys for the day , while the men went for a golf game !

Uncle Rob, and his boys Orion ( 7yr )and Percy (3yr)just arrived from Germany to live in Canada. They are excited and happy little boys , taking in the warm weather and enjoyed seeing most of their cousins-including meeting Kijin for the first time!

They all had a fun filled day, ending it by eating great pizza, chili and ice cream cones !

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Making Chili !

I have decided to try my first chili in my crock pot !
We have company coming over tomorrow so what can I make? Chili ! Why not??
I hope it turns out to be yummy!
Here is the recipe ! It's called "Easy Chili" ! ( makes about 10-12 servings)

1 lb.ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
your fav. taco seasoning or any ground beef seasoning
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp. chili powder ( or any other hot spices ! )
2 tsp Worchestershire sauce
29-oz can tomato sauce ( your fav. )
3- 16oz cans kidney beans, drained
14 1/2 oz can crushed or stewed tomatoes ( pick your fav already seasoned )
6 oz can tomato paste
2 cups grated chedder cheese

1.) ( can do this night before ) Brown meat in skillet. Add onion and green pepper halfway through browning process. Add taco seasoning...Drain . Pour into cooker.

2.) Stir in remaining ingredients except cheese.
3.) Cover. Cook on high for 3 hours , or low 7-8 hours.
4.) Serve in bowls topped with chedder cheese.

Its cook with various breads for dipping-
This chili also can served over cooked rice !

Wish me luck ! Enjoy!


Monday, August 8, 2011

KEKK Summer Update

Hey all !

August is already here ! WOW ! The summer is going fast !
What have the K.E.K.K's Wiersmas up too??

For the past few weeks, we have been just back to school shopping, hanging out at home, enjoying walks and backyard play. When its too hot outside and Kijin is napping, Kyler and I are playing board games or just having quiet time :)

On the long weekend, I took the boys for a drive up to Sutton where we use to have a cottage years ago on Lake Simcoe. I showed them the old cottage-which grandma Gilchrist sold in 1997. Lots of changes in the area, and to the old cottage, but brings back some good childhood memories :) We had a quick lunch by the park then headed back home. On the way back , we found a Go-Kart track for Kyler to take in a few laps ! He now can drive a Kart by himself !

Kijin was teething the rest of the weekend :( --fevers and very cranky !! So Kyler and dad went to Wasaga to have a quick visit with Grandma and Grandpa Wiersma. While mom and Kijin hung out and waited out the fevers :(

Kyler's softball team is not doing so well, so the playoffs should be over very soon!

Kyler is starting Forrestbrook Camp Church this week- ( where he can unload his bordom complaints ! )

Uncle Rob-Orion -Percy come back to Canada this Wednesday from Germany. They will be staying in Wasaga for the rest of the summer. Kyler will head up there next week for a visit and get to know his cousins again !

Kijin still sees a doc once every so often to catch up on his needles and to get blood work done to make sure he is clear of anything he may have gotten in Korean or from his birth mother. HE is a happy little boy, who really enjoys going outside and his stroller walks. HE is starting to say a few words which we think are, " Bird" "Cat" "Elmo" and of course momma-dada--Yler--for ( Kyler ) ! We had our 3rd interview with our social worker and only 1 more to go before his adoption is final. Once it is all final, we can apply for his Canadianship !

Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone ! It's going fast !

KEKK Wiersma