KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Words

In these last few weeks of summer before school starts we have just been enjoying the weather, park visits, more shopping for school, etc.

Kyler finally got his hair cut, buzzed off again! And Kijin got his first haircut ! He did not like it at all ! But he had a lot of hair in the back and it was too hot for him sometimes, so a bit of a trim was needed :)

I also got a nice hair cut while I was in Toronto Tuesday night ! Might as well.....I had an hour or so before I went to see the show "Billy Elliot" with mom Wiersma. The cut will take some getting use to, but the show was fabulous !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well worth it to go and see !

Kyler finished his swimming lessons last week ! Whew ! Passed level 6 :) He is also signed up for a "Home Alone" course and hockey in the fall.

Now off to the Peterborough Zoo !

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