KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Elmo and Kijin--a cute pair !!

Hi all ! Here is a cute picture of Elmo and Kijin !

Kijin loves to play and watch Elmo most of the time :) I think we saw his favourite Elmo DVD a million times already ! He is now 14 months old ! He can say "Elmo" ...."Elgno ! " bird, cat, dog, buzzzz, and a few we cannot figure out ! LOL.

Kyler was away last week in Wasauga Beach, enjoying a day camp , time with his cousins and swimming at the beach. He had a great time, and missed Kijin. Meanwhile, mom and Kijin hung out all week and had a nice visit from Nana!

Ed is busy working at the EX CNE ! So if you head down that way, make sure to say hello!

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