KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Cold and a Bird Day !!! UGHHHHHHH !!!

Hi all ! Today Kijin has his first cold ! :( Runny nose and a bit of a fever ! It's the beginning of building his immune system I guess! UGH !!! So he is not a happy little guy today !! And to top if off, a bird flew into our chimmney stack ! ( or is it a squirrel ??) Poor little guy is flapping around and I can't get him out ! The only way out is up or through my family room fire place !!!! Ugh !!! I am hoping the thing survives until Ed can get him out when he gets home from work!!! I don't want to be listening to him trying to get out all day !!!!! EEEKKKKK !!! Now what ?????? Ugh ! What a morning !!!!!!!!!!!! Kijin is trying to sleep off his early morning wake up. ( 3:00am) I wonder what he will think of the noise coming from our fire place !!!?? UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!

Stay tuned !!! LOL !

Once again our "Mountcastle Animal INN" is open !!! ( In June 2009- we had a raccoon climb in our attic and make himself at home at 1:00am-we had to call animal control to get him out ! )

Karen and Kijin

1 comment:

  1. Just be sure to remind Ed that I removed a whole nest (like 8 or so) of dead birds from that chimney back in the day because he found it too gross.
