KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Early Easter celebration....snow.....and the hunt for a soothie !!!

Hi's been awhile ...been a bit busy !!!

Last Sunday, we headed off to Kitchener again and had an early Easter celebration with the Marshalls. Had a great time, a lovely dinner and of course Nana and Grandad gave all the grandchildren Easter gifts :) Everyone got a loaded basket and some summer clothes ! While we were there, it snowed the whole time we were there !!!!! Snow in mid April??? We also celebrated Eds birthday a bit early ( April 29th ) and had a huge cake !

Kijin and I are still on the hunt for a "Lightbulb" shaped soothie......we have a few leads to check out ...I got an email connection with a family who also adopted from South Korea and had the same issue....She may have a spare one for us !!! Yippy !!!!

Kijin and I also went to our church MOPS group. ( Mothers of Preschoolers) The mothers meet every other Wednesday to talk about all sorts of different topics. I was a part of this group 9 years ago when I was home with Kyler ! Many new moms and some I have recognized who are now leading or helping out in the group.

Kijin is doing well. Sleeping good.....( so far ) and eating good.....adjusting well....He was 10 months old on Monday the 18th. We got his Health Card the other day in the mail ! Yeah !!

We are off to a baby and mom group at the library !!!
Have a wonderful Easter long weekend !!!

Karen, Ed, Kyler, Kijin Wiersma = K.E.K.K. Wiersma

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you've found a lead on the soother. I can offer no advice in that area, because Daniel and Matthew both refused soothers. I don't understand how some babies want them and others don't care a bit. I love that you're doing the library program! We really enjoy their programs as well. It's also great that you found a group at your church as well. I've really enjoyed Coffee Break at our church this year, while I've been on Mat leave. They do a great preschool program for Daniel while I get a nice break for 1.5 hrs.
