KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

First Family Road trip to Kitchener ! Great Grandma Gilchrist turns 90!

Hi all ! On Saturday our family hit the road to Kitchener ! Great Grandma turns 90 ! First outing for Kijin-met his great grandmother , and all of his cousins, aunts and uncles ! Kijin did a great job in the car- after 1.5 hours , he had enough ! HE wanted out ! He did a great job meeting everyone, no making strange ! Smiles for everyone at least once :) His new cousins checked him out, especially the girls ! We had a great visit and headed home in late afternoon. Of course Kijin slept all the way home :)

His nights and days we think are now in order ! I found a "soothie" string to clip it to his shirt ! Whew ! We almost lost it one day !!! I still can't find a soothie here in Canada that matches his current one...this may be fun looking for this !!!

We get out at least once a day with him for a walk or out for a drive !! He is really doing well. I had to get out and get a good long gate for our family room, so now his play area is safe !

Now we are off to the mall !!!


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