KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kijin on for grade 4 "ShowNTell"

Hi all !! Kyler's classroom has been praying and waiting for his brother Kijin to join our family for a few grades now ! So Kyler wanted Kijin to come to his classroom and show him off ! LOL ! So Kijin and I went yesterday to Kyler's grade 4 classroom at his school. As soon as we arrived at the classroom door, we were swarmed with grade 4 students !!! Kyler of course "announced us " into his classroom. We had to sit up at the front of the room , and have Kyler pick the show of hands one at a time for a question or two for us !

We explained the adoption process a little bit first, and how God blessed us with Kijin to join our family. Some questions were very basic since they were very serious and wanted to know a few things !

* What was Kijin's favourite food or toy?

* What does he eat?

* Is he happy?

* What happened to his mom and dad? - I answered this as best as I could and basically told them that his birth parents could not look after him so God wanted our family to love and care for him instead.

* " I forgot what I was going to ask you Mrs.Wiersma"

* Does Kyler help change his diaper?? " No, not really I said, he just stands by and watches and stands clear of any poopy diapers ! Kyler says, " My shift is never over ! "

* Did we like Korea? --YES ! We were there for 6 days and enjoyed it very much !

* " I am adopted too !" One grade 4 girl said ! GREAT! I said, thats fantastic !

* Does he cry? - Yes ! But he is adjusting well !

I think that was about it, we did not stay long , it was a quick visit ! But I think the whole school knows now that Kyler has a little brother ! :)

Thank you for all those at his school who were praying for us and were patiently waiting along with Kyler for his new brother to arrive !

1 comment:

  1. This post is awesome! I love the curiosity of Kyler's classmates. It's neat to hear about adoption from that age group-- something I'm not familiar with at all. It sounds like the visit was a lot of fun for everyone.
