KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kijin's Adoption Lifebook - scrapbooking begins ! Kijin 1month home today !

Hi all....It's been awhile !

WE had a great Easter weekend. WE had Ed's brother and family come for a nice visit on Saturday! We also had friends over on Good Friday!

Kyler and Ed are still working on the castle structure. It's coming along....I will post pictures later on!

I am going to start a project on my own ! I use to scrapbook a lot, and I have not done it in forever ! But I have to get going on Kijin's Adoption Lifebook ( scrapbook), so I have decided to do some research and see what I have on hand already to begin. For those who have done one of these or come across some Korean scrapbooking supplies, paper, stickers, cut outs etc, please let me know ! I will be on the hunt for these !

Soothie-Pacifier update :

I have an online friend who has also adopted from South Korea. Her mother lives in the UK- and has bought her lightbulb soothies in the past ! She offered me her spare ones ! Yippee !! I hope they work.....they are in Kitchener with my parents at the moment and we will have to make our way there again soon to give them a try !!! I will keep ya posted on this !!!

Kijin is doing really well ! He has been home with us for 1 month !! He is eating and sleeping great ! What a blessing that is !!!! Teething like crazy---walking to and fro from the furniture, stands by himself--walking may not be too far from the future !!

Well happy April everyone !

K.E.K.K Wiersma

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Easter to your family! Kudos to you for getting right on Kijin's life book. It took us about 2 years to finish Daniel's book!!
