KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend Words...a new hair cut, a bird and a castle......

Hi all ! I hope your weekend is going well ! Well, I had to cut my hair- get a new style because Kijin keeps pulling on it and I have no time for looking after longer hair anymore ! When I got home-I decided to put in my own blonde high-lites ! Did it work? Nope--turned my hair a bit red ! Oh well...who cares ! Its only hair and I will try it again another time !!! Glad for it to be cut though !!!! Our poor bird that was stuck in the chimney stack- died :( but Ed got it out before it started to smell or rot in the fire place. YUCK !! Poor thing....oh well.....its buried in my flower garden now!! Kyler has a huge castle project due in May- So Ed and Kyler are in the works planning it out to build it with wood and other materials--should be interesting....Last summer , Kyler and I had to build the CN TOWER--lol--that was easy !!! Ed's turn to build the castle!!!! ( I get to supervise, give advice, and suggest where they can get the materials ) I'll keep ya posted as we go along ! Kijin is doing really well...He had 2 great nights of sleeping through the night...I am trying the nap-once a day--2-4pmish --so he can be in bed for 8pmish--hope this works !!!! WE ran out of the formula they gave us before we left....yesterday had to try the Goodstart Formula-so far so good. WOW ! $$$$$$$$ ! I forgot how much it is for one full can of Formula ! Anywhere from 24-30$ ! My goodness---I hope to just keep him on the formula until he is 1 year old--then its Homo milk right? Anyways......enjoy your weekend.....April showers brings May flowers !!!! K.E.K.K Wiersma

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