KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

A busy, busy week! It started off........

Hi all ! What a busy week we had last week!!!!

I first started off by preparing a "ShowNTell" table. I put all the stuff on the table on what we got while in SK. Our Photo Album, purchases we bought, brochures, toys, books, stamps, Kijin's SK Flag, won$, etc. I printed off the information as well for "Tol" Birthday , explaining the SK Tradtion .

This is the "Toljabee Event Table". In this event, the birthday child goes around the table and picks up items that attract him or her. The child's future is predicted according to what he or she grabs. After placing the child in front of the table, the child gets to pick whatever they want. The first and second items the child grabs are considered the most important. The child's future is predicted according through these items and more.

bow and arrow - the child will become a warrior

needle and thread-the child will live long

jujube- the child will have many descendants

book,pencil or related items- the child will become a successful scholar

rice or rice cake-the child will become rich ( if they choose the rice cake, the child is not smart ! ) so of course I did not add this to the table !

knife- the child will be a good cook.

I added my own few things to the table - a stethascope, a musical instrament, an animal-( a vet? ) a ball ( athlete) a wrench ( architech? ) etc. This was set up for him to do on his actual birthday.

Now time to shop! Where do we go and get Korean snacks or food?
Pickering has an International Market called "P.Hat" Market. Apparently they have Korean food and among many other foods from all over the world. So Kijin and I went to check this out !
I sort of had a list on what to buy - when we got there, the market seemed to smell really really bad and the stuff was all over the place and not really marked out well on where the Korean food was. I did my best and bought a few Korean "snacks" and ice cream bars.

Then we decided to head out to Markham and checked out "TnT Market. WOW! Clean and well organized ! Yeah ! I bought rice crackers, some Red Bean rice cakes, and chocolates ! The shelves were labeled Korean or Japanese Food. ! The bakery smelled great, but too early to buy their bread--it was possible we might come back?

Next it was off to watch Kyler play a soft ball game ! GO Kyler Go!

WE lost , but Kyler got 2 more boys traded to their team ! He is happy about that !

To BE CONTINUED................................Daddy was home trying to get our deck finished for the party !

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