KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weekend Words--A great BBQ and 3 Kute Koreans !

Hi all.....its been awhile....!

A few weekend words.....

This past Sunday we had a great road trip to see the other Wiersma's in Beamsville ! We visited their church first then headed to Uncle Henry and Aunt Diane's house for a BBQ and have some great social time !

We have a wonderful connection to 2 other familes who have also adopted from South Korea.

Belinda and Steve Wiersma adopted, Adam ( on the right , who is now our cousin by adoption ) who is now an active 3 year old ! We met Adam in the fall of 2008- not long after Belinda and Steve brought him home. When we saw them at a baby shower, this is where I asked all the questions about their adoption process and who their agent was. Ed and I were already thinking about adopting at this point, but really had no idea on where to start. I got the name of the Agentcy and their contact and off it went from there ! From then on, we have been emailing back and forth and having them follow along with our process !

Daniel is on the left of Kijin. He is also an active 3 year old ! His parents are Barb and Andrew. ( she is Belindas sister ) They also adopted him and brought him home not too long after Adam. Kijin has met a new friend ! Aren't these boys cute???????? !!!! ( thanks for the pic Belinda ! )

SO we decided to have a BBQ to re-connect the family's once again :) Such a good idea eh girls? LOL--!

There are also 3 more boys missing from this photo though ! My Kyler is 9, Ben ( Belinda's boy-20months? ) and Barbs little one who is 11 months now? They all played well and had a good day! Kyler kept an eye on Adam and Daniel who played soccer together !

What a great day !



  1. We had a great time with your family!! It warms my heart that we could help you along your journey to bringing Kijin home. Our boys are such blessings in our families!! We are lucky to share the adoption experience with your family.

  2. We had so much fun too. I basically include you as part of my extended family now since our boys now connect us even more than before! Looking forward to hanging out with you again sometime soon. Thanks so much for the awesome tees. Andy wore his to school on Monday!
