KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A New "Red Rider" for Kijin

Kijin's new "Red Rider" is a bike trailer that I have to pull on my bike! We tried it out the other night. Kijin did NOT like the helmit on his head !!! Screamed at us and then we just took off with him in the trailer. He held on for dear life ! LOL !

So we just went around the block and that was it. I think he was relieved to get out ! But , he will have to get use to it. WE are taking it up to Wasaga Beach this July long weekend to try it out longer on the bike trail rides. Kyler and I then will take many bike rides this summer with Kijin ! Wish me luck for pulling it !!

KKK Wiersma

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I'm sure that Kijin will grow to love his rides in the red rocket.
