KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend words---a wedding, grandma and grandpa babysit and preparing for Kijins bday on June 18th

Hi all ! A few weekend words .....( thanks for the pic Belinda LOL) Ed and I had our "first night out" since coming home from Korea. ( over 2months now )We attended a beautiful wedding, and recruited Grandma and Grandpa Wiersma to babysit the boys ! One of Ed's coworkers got married- ( I have a pic to post later on ) so off we went to have a night out ! Kijin did really well with his grandparents and having Kyler help supervise ! hehehe lol --they took him for a long walk, and to the park--pooped him out and he went out like at light at bed time ! YEAH ! That means we can go out more often ! heheehehh
Kijin turns 1 on the upcoming we are having my side of the family come for a BBQ and bday celebrations on Saturday and Sunday we have some of the Wiersmas attending and we will be dedicating Kijin at our church in Ajax. So all in one weekend ! SO the prep begins for the weekend. ! Shop Shop Shop--Food Food Food !

The Koreans have a Traditional "Tol" Ceremony for 1st birthdays. Kijin will be wearing his "Hanbok" outfit and our families will be enjoying a little bit of Korean food and information about this celebration. I will write more about this later on this week, as I run around and prepare for this upcoming weekend ! So far though, Kijin and I have visited an Internation local P'Hat" Market here in Pickering. This was fun ! I was able to pick up a few Korean favourite snacks- but everything was all over the place , and the staff could not direct me in the righ direction for the Korean food. Oh Oh ! So I "winged" it and grabbed what looked good and hope for the best ! Next stop is a few stores in Markham ! I need a few things yet --wish me luck !!!
The Birthday cake has been ordered- ( Costco of course ) I have booked Kijins photo sesstion in Loblaws to be taken this week with his traditional "Hanbok" outfit on , in case I cant get a good picture of him in it without a piece of cake on it !!!!
This is only Monday---but I think I have my shopping lists ready and Kijin and I will be out to get the stuff we need !

More to blog later....... Karen

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome! Lots of fun ahead for your family! Good luck with the rest of the prep!
