KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011

KEKK Wiersma Family Photo, 2011
New Family Photo-Nov 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week/Week end Words

Hi all !

Kijin is walking - well most of the time anyways ! He definately on the move ! He is eating and sleeping great still !

He will visit the doctor this week for needle # 3 ! Yikes ! and a check up ! Those teeth are still trying to come in, I don't think it will stop for awhile yet.

He loves his stroller walks , the park and shopping with mom ! YEAH ! Kyler was a terrible shopper ! lol ! So it's great, I can pack him up and take him everywhere !

Kyler is on the go with Softball x2 a week. His first game was last week--they bombed it ! ( Kyler blames it all on the girls of course , since most of his team is girls ! ) But he got a hit !

He will be finishing Grade 4 in a few weeks ! Already ?

His "Haunted House" Poem was just published in a childrens book , Young Writers of Canada, "Under the Pumpkin Patch " it's called ! So we have a Wiersma who has had something published in a book ! Kyler took the book today to school to show it off ! ( I will post pictures soon )

I am going to put him in a few things this summer, swimming , VBS camps and hook up with some boys from his class. Im sure he will be bored all day home with mom and Kijin !

Kijin will be turning 1 on June 18th, 2011--WE are planning his bday "TOL" for that weekend and his dedication ( Babtism ) I will be on the hunt for Korean foods, or baking something from our Korean Recipe books! Plus a Korean store to find a few things to add to his bday party ! Wish me luck ! This should be fun !

Ed is trying to finish our deck before the 18th of June ! It will look great when it;s done ! ( the before picture is above ) I will have an "after" picture I hope soon !

Have a great week everyone !


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